Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas ADVENTure

A friend of mine bought me this book last year and since then I have been excited to use it. As the Christmas season was approaching I pulled the book out and found a few of the crafts that I would like to do with my son. And since crafts are always more fun with other people, I decided to invite our friends to join in. There are many ways you could use this book as part of your Advent celebration. What I like the most is how it ties all the Christmas symbols to Jesus! Today we made sugar cone Christmas Trees with sugar cones, green frosting and m&m's. The legend tells of a man named Winfrid who was a missionary. He was the first to use the Christmas Tree as a symbol of God. Each of the points of the tree represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We also made Christmas Cards with Christmas Trees on them.....are you noticing a them?? This was fun and kids went home with something they could give to someone else. Here is the template. Have fun making them with your kids!

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